Sunday, 20 September 2015

Satyr Orchid Sunday Flower Walk

It is growing in the horse paddock next door. We found another one, but not as impressive as this Satyrium coriifolium:

Satyrium coriifolium

A bright pink Erica on the side of the road:

Pink Erica

Waterblommetjies Aponogeton distachyos in abundance! We can't remember so many on this dam before.

Waterblommetjies Aponogeton distachyos

The flower folds out in two branches.

Flower detail

Next to the path we found this Sparaxis bulbifera  we remember from last year

Sparaxis bulbifera

Flower and seed pods from the side.

Sparaxis bulbifera from the side

The Sundews Drosera in the road are pushing up flower buds:

Sundews Drosera with flower buds

Some lovely Euryops in the unburnt area, to remind us of what to expect. The 'new' veld is covered with new plants!


We were pleased to find quite a few Trachyandra ciliata where we remembered them before. This one was in an area completely burned clear. The leaves are like flat shoelaces.

Trachyandra ciliata

Flower detail:

Flower detail

A welcome splash of pink some distance off the path was worth investigating, Gladiolus hirsutus probably.

Gladiolus hirsutus?

This is how it grows:

Gladiolus hirsutus from the side

On a sandy, bare slope we came across several of these small white plants. The wind was pumping through making photography very difficult. Possibly a Geissorhiza, but which one? 

Geissorhiza? Which one?

Still absolutely no sign of buds forming on the Wachendorfia paniculata which are growing upwards! The characteristic red root can be seen here.

Wachendorfia paniculata, no buds yet!

We spotted more Spiloxene, probably S. aquatica. Growing here under an Othonna quinquedentata.

Spiloxene aquatica (?)

These Moraea ochroleuca we first spotted last week are all over one slope.

Moraea ochroleuca

It was interesting to see in this one case, the single leaf tangled up in another plant!

Single leaf of Moraea ochroleuca tangled

Here a Ladybird and another bug take turns to pollinate!

Taking turns to pollinate!

Again, from where we remember from previous years, a Gladiolus debilis in white. This single plant was much smaller than we remember, we'll be back to check for more!

Gladiolus debilis

We came across some of these with the rubbery leaves when we were making the cut-offs for rainwater in the 4x4 track.


Now we have a bud forming... an Orchid?

Bud detail

Next weekend I'll be in Pietermaritzburg so who knows what I'll find there! :-) A

Saturday, 19 September 2015

De Kelders Saturday Flower Walk

Pippa asked me to accompany her to a field day with her Archaeological Society to De Kelders between Stanford and Gansbaai.

View from De Kelders of Walker Bay

Excavations have shown that humans from the Late and Middle Stone Ages have inhabited these seaside caves. Our guide for the day was Graham Avery who has been involved here since 1969.

Graham Avery giving us a history lesson! 

The caves are inside the Walker Bay Nature Reserve. We paid our entrance fee to Cape Nature who look after the reserve and met up with the others of the Society at the parking area where there are good ablution facilities and the first of a series of illustrated information boards. I was glad I went along, not only for the archaeological enlightenment, but also for the flowers!
It's a good time of year, of course with spring flowers, but the profusion and variety was astounding, very different from what we encounter here! Next to the parking place we found these huge orange-coloured Daisies which might be Arctotis hirsuta.

Arctotis hirsuta?

There was a lot of this in flower which might be Othonna dentata:

Othonna dentata

As I have been taught, I took a photo of the back of the flower:

Othonna dentata flower from underneath

Among one of these we found the parasitic Wolwekos (because it looks like red meat), Cats' Claw or Hyobanche sanguinea:

Hyobanche sanguinea

There were others less far advanced:

Hyobanche sanguinea

In another place a similar, but more sprawling less pointed plant:

Unknown plant

It seemed under every rock was a Bloukop Koggelmander or Blue Headed Agama. They are quite accustomed to human activity, one almost ran over my foot! I wish I could have captured this one doing 'press-ups'!

Bloukop Koggelmander, Blue headed Agama

As someone said, 'Another bloody yellow daisy'!

Unknown Daisy

Possibly the same?

Unknown Daisy

Here were Everlastings, in bud:

Everlasting, closed.

.... and where we had lunch, slightly open:


And after a bit of searching, just a few, fully open:

Fully open!

Here was an Orchid about to open!


We've never seen Mesembs hanging down like this before. In flower they must be magnificent!

Hanging mesembs

This looks like (the edible) Dune Spinach, Tetragonia decumbens now in flower:

Tetragonia decumbens

At one stage we were treated to some whale activity, on the right in this picture, gradually working to the right. They are huge!

Whale on the right, a Southern Right?

This plant was growing out on a solid rock:

Unknown plant growing flat on rocks

Detail of the tiny white two-petalled flower:

Flower detail

Sour Figs were in full bloom, these pink ones make a nice change from our yellow Carpobrotus edulis. These are either C. acinaciformis or C. mellei.

Carpobrotus acinaciformis or C. mellei

Here's a Pelargonium we're not familiar with:


First Pippa found one of these Gladiolus cunonius:

Gladiolus cunonius

Flower detail:

Gladiolus cunonius flower

Later we found many more. Here are some Senecio arenarius, not to be confused with the blue-petalled Felicias which were also in abundance.

Senecio arenarius

These little flowers were growing close to the ground:

Unknown flowers

Some stunning Mesembs were already out:

Mesemb flowers

We found a small patch of Albuca, possibly A. juncifolia

Albuca juncifolia

Flower detail:

Albuca juncifolia (?) flower

Here's a Bulbine, probably B.annua:

Bulbine annua

Flower detail:

Bulbine annua flower

... and a Sea Pumpkin Arctotheca populifolia:

Arctotheca populifolia

Flower of Arctotheca populifolia

A splash of orange made Pippa go and look at this Hermannia ternifolia:

Hermannia ternifolia

Flower detail:

Hermannia ternifolia flower

This tiny succulent was growing in the middle of the path!

Tiny succulent

Society members inspecting Duiwelsgat, a blow-hole from when the sea level was a couple of metres higher. We are at least a hundred feet above sea level here! It has been walled in for safety.

Duiwelsgat blow-hole

Finally, here's a cave-man's view of Die Plaat, a 12-mile stretch of unspoiled beach, although we were told the sea level would have been much lower back then!

Die Plaat, framed by the cave entrance