Sunday, 13 October 2013

No Sunday walk :-(

Sorry, no Flower walk today, one of our dogs was attacked by the neighbours' yesterday and she's on light duty till the glued-up wounds heal.
However, on the flower front, Pippa came across an Aristea africana right here on the farm, and called me on, I think, Wednesday morning to tell me the flowers were out. We had been told by Susan they only open for a day and when I went down after lunch it was all over:
She called me again on Friday morning, so I looked there before lunch, bingo!
So, that's what they look like when they unwind!
The other loose end we've been able to tie this last week was from our neighbour:
Super close-ups!!! It so exciting to join your walks - digitally!
That little plant with drops in wet gravel is a sundew - please catch one with a flower - you will spot them soon - I have seen white and soft pink ones and sometimes they grow both sides of the sandy roads in wet areas a bit higher up in our area. The genera Drosera with several subspecies, but I think 14 to be indigenous. Go and collect some more pics! Ns they are carnivorous and I love them - my one on the kitchen windowsill from Kirstenbosch often catches a little insect in his sticky leaves.
Till next time...
Here's another view from last week:
Elsewhere in the valley, the Vygies (Mesembryanthemums) are looking spectacular:
..... and between the pavement and a wall in the village, a poppy:
In the garden of the house we're preparing to rent out:
Ixias in yellow and purple:
In the same completely overgrown garden, this Aquilegia (Columbine) is fighting for space:
... as well as these Scilla peruviana (Peruvian lilies)
There are some white ones too:
So that's all for this week!

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