Sunday, 6 October 2013

Wet and dry flower walks

Hello all,
Saturday was wet, calm and overcast and gave the opportunity at last to get the true colour of the Lobelia which we think is the pinifolia:
Lobelia pinifolia
The pink buds of the white Helichrysums stood out too:
and this Leucadendron, not pinned down yet, was stunning:
Many of the white bulbous flowers from last week, which Susan thinks might be a Sparaxis, have been visited by an animal, perhaps a porcupine, although we found no quills left behind:
Today was dry, windy from the south-west and only sunny for brief spells. These tiny hround-hugging plants are in wet areas of gravel, they look as though they're about to flower:
Drosera trinervia
This was a road, which might have been saved with a bit of water management:
The ground-hugging creeper with the white flower from last week has pink cousins, it seems!
This Hyacinth-type plant has little flowers all the way up; the bud started round but has elongated like this, about 120mm long:
The double flower of 'our' Leucospermum oleifolium has also opened in the last week, or at least one of them has:
Leocospernum oleifolium
In an area recently cleared of pines, these are not far off making a great show! We'll be there to catch it, I hope!
We're getting used to the magnificent uninterrupted view of Eikenhof Dam and the Country Club from this vantage point, now the pines have been cleared.
We now have a name for this single specimen we have found, Muraltia, possibly heisteria, (purple gorse or kastybos) although this must be a stunted example:
And for this, which we thought might be a Nivenia. Actually we weren't far off, thanks to Ebraime Hull at Harold Porter: Aristea africana. Susan says the flowers only open for a day, so we'll be lucky to catch them! We'll have to wait for them to unwind!
Aristea africana buds
Aristea africana plant
Here's another lovely Erica, with little bunches of flowers at the ends of the stems:
While this one had flowers all over.
The daisies are truly magnificent at the moment!
It was difficult fitting them all in the frame!
The wind spoiled some other pictures, so that's all for now!
:-) A

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