Sunday, 29 September 2013

Short Flower Walk

It's yellow Daisy time! We ignore these all year, although they do seem to flower sporadically throughout. But now, they're stunning!
Euryops abrotanifolius
Now we know why we've never noticed pink Helichrysums among the white ones before, they're only pink in their bud form. Once open they're white!
...with a pink and later black centre:
Syncarpha ...
Those black centres in the white Ericas again:
Veined rock with red clovers:
This yellowish bush has a cluster of pea-type flowers:
.... and grows up with stalks out of the ground:
We've been watching this ground-hugging plant for a while:
White flowers have appeared at the tips:
Oftia africana
The Wachendorfia paniculata are well in flower now, here is a bud:
.... and this one's nearly fully open:
We're still working on tracking these down:
The Sour Figs Carpobrotus edulis are looking good, too. Bud:
Carpobrotus edulis
And fully open, complete with monkey beetle:
From these pictures, it can be seen how the little beetles interact with the flowers!
That was Saturday, today we went further, to check on 'our' leucospermum, now looking likea pincushion at last!
We were told that this was a L. oleifolium. It does now look like one! The pair next to this one is still closed:
Leucospernum oleifolium
The other plants we wanted to check on were what we think might be small Nivenias. A few weeks ago, we noticed tufty ends to stalks which differed from the spent flowers still on from last year, and thought we'd missed the flowering. Not so it seems!
Look what's coming out of the tufts! This is what a typical plant looks like, all made up of sets of fans of leaves. The tufts can be seen as well as some spent flowers from last year:
In that vicinity was the single little plant we found last time, much the same as before, still defying identification:
:-) Andy

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