Sunday, 1 September 2013

Same few square metres, a few weeks later

Hello all,
Karweyderskraal again! Interesting what a couple of weeks does to flowers! I was worried I wouldn't find the place again, but I did, and it was interesting to see how some of the flowers had developed.
I found quite a lot of these, once I'd tuned in to them:
But this is what some of them look like now!
Leucospernum truncatulum
Leucospermum? They certainly now look like pincushions!
Then the one which I said looked like lavender at a distance, not many of them, in fact today I only found one:
The lower buds have opened like pink trumpets..... possibly a Paranomus, but which one? Pippa asked me to take a picture of the whole plant. The wind was blowing and I had difficulty with focus:
My finger in the bottom corner gives a scale. Across the road, the Mimetes cucullatus is now starting to flower, the white tufts can be seen on the right:
Mimetes cucullatus
Then what are these?
And these? A bud of the one above? A Serruria?
Even the pines were bright red!
There are lots of Protea compacta!
Protea compacta
And longifolias:
Protea longifolia
Then what are these?
As I left, I saw a Protea with an interesting growth where a spent flower should be, a parasite?
I'm sure there's lots more I didn't notice!
:-) A

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