Saturday, 11 January 2014

Sunday on Saturday again....

.... or what's flowering here at the moment!
At the dam on the Experimental Farm, the indigenous Nymphaea nouchali (Blue waterlily) 
Blondie, the hitch-hiker, aka Yablonya went out to check it out!
an interesting tiny white puff-ball fungus growing amongst the kikuyu:
As expected, the Roellas are impressive with lots of flowers out together!
An Erica:
The same one:
We were concerned that this well established one might get damaged with the clearing of the pines. We've been watching it for years but needn't have worried! Erica vestita?
There are so many different ones you really need to take an Erica book with you! This looks the same as the first:
So often overlooked, yet the books say in any Fynbos area, you'll always find Restios. Again you need a book on the subject! Erect:
And something in between:
I am now convinced that the Lobelia add a sprinkling of blue to the veld throughout they year!
We hadn't checked on 'our' Leucospermum oleifolium next to the cycle track in the forest for a long time. The spent flowers which we watched develop for so long, certainly are pincushions. The three-tipped leaves are characteristic:
But what was exciting was the new growth; the flowers used to be on the tips!
Most impressive and prolific at the moment are the Watsonia schlechteri! Eikenhof Dam and our Country Club in the background; the water alive with Rowers!
Lots more to come!
The Agapanthus walshii flowers are opening nicely!
We've been trying to pin this yellow Iris type down for a long time:
Behind it, and not the only one we saw, was a Therianthus:
'Our' single example of a pink Helichrysum:
The little pink flowers amongst the fluff of the Lanaria lanata, with pollen on the anthers:
And two bright green bugs on a huge Pseudo selago serrata flower:
That should keep us happy for a week!
:-) A

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