Sunday, 21 June 2015

Just Oxalis for Colour Sunday Flower Walk

There's lots of green in the burned area, especially if you look against the sun, but for the rest, there are Oxalis in yellow (luteola?) in plenty:

Oxalis luteola

..... and pink:

Pink Oxalis

Pippa has a sore leg so we walked a reasonable distance and when we found something interesting, she sat down and drew it while I fossicked around.

Pippa drawing, with company!

We have seen this before, but not with its visitor!

Caterpillar and plant we're watching!

I had just seen another:

Another caterpillar

On the way up, we found that the Gladiolus carneus (?) leaves have been chomped off, yet again!

Gladiolus carneus, eaten off again!

We've had over 40mm of rain in a day in this last week so it was interesting to see the erosion we've been expecting:

Erosion from 40+mm rain in a day

More erosion

I had difficulty finding the Daisy we found in flower last week, mainly because it had also been chewed off. I placed photos of it on iSpot and the consensus is that it's Othonna heterophylla.

Othonna heterophylla

I was particularly interested to check the underside of the leaves, which are glossy. The leaves themselves are quite fleshy.

Underside of leaf

I found one more a short distance away with two buds on.

Bud on another plant close by

The leaves are not as toothed as on the other plant, but apparently leaf shape on this species is very variable.

Leaf detail on the other plant

I found another unfamiliar Daisy; one flower has gone to seed already.

Unfamiliar Daisy buds and spent flower

Only now reviewing the photo, I notice the Ladybird!

Whole plant and Ladybird

Here's another of the little plants we haven't tracked down yet, with the ribbed leaves. This was in a completely different location.

What is this?

.... and as usual, plenty of these with the Wachendorfia-type leaves.....

One day we'll get a flower and we'll have the answer!

..... but growing very differently compared with those we know well, W. paniculata:

We know what flower to expect from this! 

During the week Pippa has found come interesting fungi on the farm. I put a picture of this Earth Star on iSpot and the experts are happy it's Geastrum pectinatum:

Earth Star Geastrum pectinatum

..... but there have been no comments on this one yet:

Unknown Fungus

This morning there was a persistent peep-peep from the top of the lightning-struck pine:

Who is this? 

Any ideas?
:-) A

1 comment:

  1. Interesting as usual, the Oxalis giving some nice colour. Caterpillars? are they different ones in species.
