Yes, gloomy and overcast and a South-westerly wind from Gordon's Bay. We've had a few light showers since the fire, but no real rain so far.
Lack of sunshine meant that our 'new find for the day' was closed, Oxalis Polyphylla which we've never noticed before!
The more normal pink Oxalis has a clover-like leaf, we saw some later:
In the middle upper part of the picture above is a plant we have started to find, not sure what it will turn into, but we're watching!
On the way out we found some puff-balls Scleroderma citrinum (?) which are easily mistaken for stones in the road:
We're still finding plenty of Swollen Restio Beetles Pseudorupilia on the new growth of Restios, but not on any of the tufts of grass.
The densest stand we've found so far of Agapanthus walshii is coming along nicely!
The Leucospermum oleifolium nearby is doing nothing yet.
What I'd hoped would be re-shooting at the base of the Heeria, is in fact Pelargonium!
In places the Pelargoniums are coming up well!
Where the fire was hottest, the Palmiet has burned off completely and there's no sign of shooting. In other places, it's very encouraging.
We're still confused with the bushes we're seeing shooting from their bases. These leaves are in threes and are veined diagonally from the centre.
The burned remains of berries can be found.
New leaf detail:
In many cases, these were saved from the worst of the fire's heat by their growing next to or between rocks. Here's another:
How lucky we are to live here!
We found just two Tritoniopsis lata today, but what's that behind?
We were able to have a good look at the leaves here, definitely multi-ribbed:
What might this be, next to an Oxalis?
We found several Fire Asparagus Asparagus Lignosus, this one's berries have turned dark:
Others are still green.
And some are still in flower:
This gives an idea of how densely they sometimes grow!
'Till next time, from the Wurm.....
.... and the Boy, who was determined to get in the pictures, every time!
:-) A
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